January Donovan*
Your Dreams Matter to God
I sadly assumed that my desires were automatically in conflict with my holiness, so I suppressed both the good and the bad desires as a way to please God. I was wrong and have become resentful to God. Motherhood taught me that our children are not born with mature and ordered desires, they have to grow and mature their desires and yet I love them no less. I projected my own fear and lack of self-worth to my relationship with God which hindered me from receiving His dream for me. Our desires need formation, we need to learn to shape them in accordance with God’s purpose and unique desire for us, but we cannot silence the deep desires that God has placed in our heart because that is where he speaks to us. It was not until I understood the importance of studying the desires of my own heart that I gave myself permission to listen to God’s desires for me. This broke me out of resentment and allowed me to taste deeper freedom. In this talk, I break the false assumption that all desires are vain. I want to share with you how God’s mercy has taught me that my desires matter to God, just as my children’s desires do not make me love them less.
January Donovan is a self worth strategist, best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and mama of eight. Founder of The Woman School. A school designed to rebuild culture one woman’s formation at a time. The Woman School’s vision is wholeness. It is dedicated to training women’s mindset and building skill set that will give her practical tools to integrate every part of her life. January has trained thousands of women for over 20 years, coaching them to lead women into an integrated life of freedom
and wholeness. She is a #1 bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has built several successful companies while raising 7 children alongside her husband. They are dedicated to rebuilding the church through the formation of the domestic church in order to bridge Christ’s message to the world. January recently launched a podcast called, “Rebuild Our Church, The Janny and Angie Show”. It focuses on how to strategically rebuild our church in the time of darkness. The Woman School also helps women build a business by rebuilding women’s worth.
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“Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5.48).
Perfect comes from the Latin word ‘perfectus’ which is often described as whole, mature, or complete. In The Woman School, we created an integrated training program that gives women a systematic and practical path to wholeness. Our goal for wholeness is to form women to attain a life of sustained generosity.
Take this self-assessment quiz to know where you are in the wholeness journey.
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“When women are whole they can become a pillar in which society can lean upon.”
- St. Edith Stein.
