Dan and Amber DeMatte
Living Poverty, Chastity and Obedience in EVERY Vocation
Everyone is called to embrace poetry, chastity and obedience! These virtues aren't just for monks and religious, they are for ALL of us! Whether you are married, single, or religious, Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience are the three virtues of Jesus that we are called to live in his imitation!
Dan and Amber DeMatte fell in love with one another while serving as missionaries. From the moment they met, they had two desires – They both wanted to be saints and they both wanted to live a missionary lifestyle. Today, they strive to live a missionary lifestyle, raising their family with a radical hunger for Heaven. Their discernment story was captured on an A&E reality tv show called God or the Girl. They’ve also appeared on EWTN's Life on the Rock. Dan is the host of EWTN Global Catholic Radio’s Encounter and the author of Catholic bestseller, Holiness Revolution. Together with another missionary couple, Amber and Dan have built a 500-acre Catholic Mission Campus where they minister to over 70 full-time missionaries annually who put on retreats and conferences all year, and minister to thousands of youth each summer at Catholic Youth Summer Camp (www.cysc.com). Both Dan and Amber preach to thousands more all year-round through speaking at retreats, parish missions, and conferences across the globe. Dan holds a Masters Degree in Theology from the Pontifical College Josephinum and Amber earned her Theology degree at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Dan and Amber live in Columbus, Ohio with their 4 children, Sophia, Giovanni, Gemma, and Liliana.
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Dan and Amber
"3 Secrets to Holiness in Marriage" will bless you with a deep and profound sense of what it looks like to live Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience as the lay faithful! Whether you are discerning celibacy, consecrated life, priesthood, or marriage, this book will bless you with a deep dive into who Jesus is and who He is calling you to be!
