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Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace





Parish Ministry and Catechesis

Get in Touch!

Sister Mary Teresita, SMDG 810-622-9904 x 3

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Call #2 Date/Time:



Port Sanilac, MI

Patron Saints/Famous Saints of the Community

St. Louis de Montfort, St. John Paul II, St. Augustine, St. Josaphat, the Apostle of Unity,


The Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace strive for the fulfillment of Christ's prayer after instituting the Eucharist "that all may be one" (John 17:22) - that all be united in the truth of the Roman Catholic Church. Sanctified in truth by dedication to the service of God and being strengthened by the words and example of Christ, they endeavor to bring all to the knowledge and love of the Father.
The spirit of the community reflects Mary’s humility in continual loving abandonment to God’s will.  With Mary, the sisters embrace the painful choices and life-giving consequences that His paschal mystery embodies.  In the Eucharist, gift of the paschal mystery, they find the source of truth and unity.


An emerging community of consecrated life established in Michigan, May, 2010 under the direction of the Most Reverend Bishop Joseph Cistone, DD, (Bishop of the Diocese of Saginaw: 2009 - 2018).

Through the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the Sisters reflect more fully this "consecration in truth" which Christ accomplished by his Death and Resurrection. Together with Mary, Mother of Divine Grace; they seek to be sharers in His death, for the sake of others, which brought forth fruits of grace to a new life.

St. Mary's Motherhouse is located in Port Sanilac, MI, where the Sisters serve local parishes in the "thumb of Michigan." Known in the area, as the "Sisters of St. Mary's", they pray their presence will inspire new hope to others, both Christian and non-Christian, as they seek to share the joy of serving God and giving witness to the light and love of Christ.

Prayer Life

The Sisters attend Mass daily, pray the Liturgy of the Hours uniting with Holy Mother Church and recite the Holy Rosary. Each day the Sisters come together for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration and prayer.


Total Consecration of Jesus through Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort. The Sisters wear the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. (Miraculous Medal)

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