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Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church





Teaching, Homeless Ministry, Nursing, Food pantry and Hispanic Ministry

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Baltic, CT; Willimantic, CT; Taftville, CT; Old Saybrook, CT; Janesville, WI

Patron Saints/Famous Saints of the Community

Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church! She is our guide through thick and thin. Good Saint Joseph protects our homes and has granted us many favors and graces. Saint Vincent de Paul guides us in our works of Charity and urges us to “go to the poor and find God”. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Padre Pio, and Saint Pope John Paul II have also played a part in the Community’s history and spirituality.


Our charism is “to serve the people of God with a spirit of heartfelt simplicity”. We bring Christ to others through the works of Charity, namely, the care of the elderly and the education of the young, especially young women. We strive to discern the needs of the Church here and now. Wherever there is a need for love, we will serve.


We were originally founded in Holland in 1832. The congregation spread worldwide and in 1874, 13 Sisters came to America; in 1970, Mother Marie Alma, our foundress, sought separation from the original congregation in order to keep the essential elements of religious life. We are currently celebrating our 50th anniversary!

Prayer Life

We strive to simply become who Jesus made us to be by loving God and neighbor with our whole hearts. As we walk through life together, each Sister is brought closer to the Heart of Jesus and hopes to bring her spiritual children with her. Each day we pray the entire Liturgy of the Hours, recite the Rosary together, and have daily Mass.


We have many old and new traditions! Some that come to mind are community picnics at the lake, celebrating the feast of St. Nicholas and choosing Kris Kindles, bonfires, a 40-hour vigil of Eucharistic Adoration before New Year's Eve, and baking sweet bread for Christmas and Easter!

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