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Carmelite Sisters for the Aged & Infirm


Mission (Short Term), Religious



Nursing, Care of the Aged & Infirm

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845-768-2303 Sr. Mary O Donovan. O Carm

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(Germantown, Bronx, Queens, NY City, Albany, Staten Island) - NY Homes
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Patron Saints/Famous Saints of the Community

St. Teresa of Avila, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. John of the Cross, St. therese of Lisieux, St Elijah, St. Albert and several other Carmelite Saints


"Our apostolate is not only to provide care in up to date homes for the aged, but as religious, it is to bring Christ to every old person under our care." - Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, Foundress Our FOUR values define who we are in carrying out the mission God and His Church entrusted to us:

• Sanctity of Life - Our belief is that all life is sacred and we advocate especially on behalf of the elderly. We are committed to witness to the gospel message of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Acknowledging the importance of palliative care, our healing ministry does recognize that sickness, suffering and death are potential occasions of experiencing God.

•Hospitality - Our belief is that each home should provide a welcoming, person-centered environment and atmosphere of a "Home". Personal warmth, love and care will reflect and give value and purpose to the residents' lives. The wholistic care of each resident encompasses their physical, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs. Guided by our Catholic tradition, we seek to honor the spiritual journeys of all people of all faiths.

•Shared Commitment - Our belief is that quality of care is attained by a team spirit that has a shared sense of achievement, accountability, ideas, insights and the commitment to the wise stewardship of resources. Treating one another respectfully and justly, and joining together for our common Mission, will enable us to continue to move forward with the times.

•Compassion- Our belief is that each person is created in the image of God as an object of His personal love, and as such we are to bring hope, healing and comfort to all we encounter in our ministry. In the words of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, we strive to be "kinder than kindness itself."


The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm provide compassionate care that validates a person’s choice and dignity. Carmelite Palliative Care accompanies each person through a debilitating diagnosis to the end of life. Each home we serve in, sponsor, or cosponsor follows person-centered concepts and palliative care that allows your concerns and your family’s to be addressed fully at any age, in any stage


Mother M. Angeline Teresa (Bridget Teresa McCrory) was born on January 21, 1893 i n Mountjoy, County Tyrone, Ireland. When she was seven years of age her family migrated to Scotland and at the age of nineteen she left home to become a Little Sister of the Poor, a Congregation engaged in the care of the destitute aged. She made her Novitiate in La Tour, France and after Profession she was sent to the United States.

In 1926, Mother Angeline was appointed Superior of a Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the Bronx, New York. During an annual retreat in 1927, she felt an urge to reach out to do more for the aged for whom she cared. She felt that the European way and many of the customs in France did not meet th e needs or customs of America. She also felt that old age strikes all classes of people, leaving them alone and frightened.

Being unable to effect any necessary changes in her present situation, Mother Angeline sought advice and counsel from Patrick Cardinal Hayes of New York. Not only did he encourage her, but he likewise felt more could be done fo r the aged people in the New York area. Eventually, this need was recognized in the United States. In order to accomplish what she felt called to do, and with the blessing of the Cardinal, Mother Angeline and six other Sisters withdrew from the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor and were granted permission from Rome to begin a new Community for the care of the aged incorporating Mother Angeline's ideals. On September 3, 1929, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm was founded.

Thus, though the inspiration Mother received from the Congregation dedicated to the aged poor, she was now able to further develop this needed apostolate with new methods. From the very start, the Carmelite Friars in New York took a deep interest in Mother and her companions. In 1931 the new Community became affiliated with the great Order of Carmel and became known as "Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm."

On January 21, 1984, Mother Angeline Teresa the Foundress, went to he r eternal reward. She had the great consolation of seeing the Congregation beyond her expectations. Her daughters in Carmel remember her by her famous words: "If you have to fail, let it be on the side of kindness. Be kinder than kindness itself to the old people." Mother Angeline Teresa is laid to rest in the Congregation's cemetery at St. Teresa's Motherhouse in Germantown, NY. On June 28, 2012, His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, authorized the Promulgation of the Decree of Heroic Virtues. She is now known as Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, O.Carm.

Prayer Life

Prayer Life

Our prayer life is aimed to reflect the spirit of Saint Elias, the father of Carmel, who lived in the presence of God and always returned to the solitude of contemplation to deepen his union with the Father.

The daily spiritual life of a Carmelite Sister consists in:
•Community Mass
•Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer)
•Daily Meditation (one hour)
•Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
•Particular Examen
•Spiritual Reading
•Community Prayers

And it is lived in the spirit of Carmel by:
•Conversion of spirit through the Sacrament of Reconciliation
•Spiritual Direction
•Joyful acceptance of daily challenges
•Personal sacrifices and prayers for priests
•Spirit of Silence and Recollection
•Loyalty to the Roman Pontiff and fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church
•Love for the Carmelite Saints
•Marian Spirituality
•Prophetic witness in imitation of Saint Elijah our Spiritual Father

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