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Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance





Cloistered Contemplatives

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701-642-2360 Mother Madonna, O. Carm., Prioress

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Carmel of Mary Monastery home the Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance, is located in a rural setting near Wahpeton, North Dakota, Diocese of Fargo.

Patron Saints/Famous Saints of the Community

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Elijah, St. Joseph, St. Therese the Little Flower, Blessed Titus Brandsma, St. Simon Stock (brown scapular), St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, etc.


The charism of Carmel is universal in the Order: "to live in allegiance to Jesus Christ" following the inspiration of the Prophet Elijah whose motto was: "with zeal I am zealous for the Lord God, in whose presence I stand."


The Marian Year of 1954 brought a unique addition to the Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota with the establishment of cloistered Community in Wahpeton: The Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance. Seven nuns, with Mother Mary Rose at the head, left the monastery of the Little Flower in Allentown, Pennsylvania on October 31, 1954 and on November 1, 1954, Bishop Leo Dworschak offered their First Mass in Wahpeton and said "this is a day of fulfillment". The Community continued to increase to 22 nuns and in 1989 six nuns were sent to open a new foundation in San Angelo, Texas, later transferred to Christoval, Texas.

Prayer Life

The highlight of our life in the Carmel of Mary is the Sacred Liturgy, daily Holy Mass and chanting of the Liturgy of the Hours in Gregorian Chant, two hours of solitary personal prayer after Morning Prayer and after Evening Prayer, Rosary, Litany, Holy Hour and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.


Rising for Midnight Prayer (Office of Readings). We pray Morning Prayer at 5:30am, Holy Mass at 7:00am daily, Daytime Hours:9:00am, 11:15am, 12:50pm , Evening Prayer at 4:30, Night Prayer 7:50pm. Recreation daily at 7:00pm. We believe that prayer possesses an evangelizing power and when it is ardent, prayer is able to embrace the whole world and is not limited by time and space. By means of our direct and immediate search for God, our union with Christ, our community life, we participate in a special way in the labor, sufferings and hopes of humanity. We dedicate our lives to God for the sake of the Church and for all those intentions for which we are asked to pray.

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